To the Edge of the Galaxy!

Introduction to Cyberspace

hii welcome to my site. if you're here for my twitter byf go to the "about" page.

this site works better on pc, but still accessible on mobile! you just might need to turn your phone sideways in order to read easier. This template was made by @Repth, and the background and art was all made by me!

6/27/2023 - okay. how the fuck do i make an image gallery

6/26/2023 - well. im still here.

6/25/2023 - back for round 2 babey... trying to majorly update this shit

4/30/23 - Still working hard! making good progress but i never expected it to take more than one day to finish. oh well

4/29/23 - Site created! The last neocities site i made was 2 years ago, trying to see if i can remember anything that i learned.

template from @Repth